Thank you for your interest in being a preferred retailer of Stencil Expressions products!  We are currently accepting wholesale customers in the US and Canada.

Please email us at stencilexpressions1@gmail.com for more info and an application.

As a preferred retailer, you will enjoy a unique position as our company partner. We do not retail sell our physical stencils on our own website. Our website is all geared toward resources for Creative’s who wish to CYO (cut your own) stencils from our digital designs. We also offer our in-house custom design services via our website. Therefore, we readily direct our customers who wish to purchase our designs as physical stencils to our preferred retailers.
You must be either an online retailer or have a brick and mortar location to qualify as a wholesale customer. You will be required to provide us with business documentation for our records for sales tax reporting purposes.

Order minimums are $300 plus shipping. That is approx 55 pieces. We also require customers place a minimum quantity of 3 per stencil design.

We look forward to serving you and your customers. Thank you for your interest.